There are days when I am very happy without knowing why. Days when I am happy to be alive and breathing, when my whole being seems to be one with the sunlight, the color, the odors, the luxuriant warmth of some perfect sunny day. I live for these days, and on these days I like to wander alone into strange and unfamiliar places.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

BLOG CARNIVAL: Life Expectations: Art from a non-artist

I am not an artist. So when we decided to do this artistic blog, I was excited to create something despite the fact that I'm not hands on artistic. However, I ran into trouble as soon as I felt like I had to create something, hence the delay here.

I repeat, I am NOT an artist. At least not in the traditional sense of the word. I'd like to be, but I'm simply not. I am more an artist of idea, and that's fine with me even though ideas are much more difficult to express.

I had this wonderful thought to express what I want in life on a double canvass, with silver covered leaves and a combination of natural colors to write out Dwell in possibility...

I think this is better left to my upcoming tattoo instead:
Chrysanthemum embroidery and quote from Emily Dickinson

I wanted the natural colors to represent my aesthetic and the silver leaves to define an impossibility, but one that I want to always imagine could be, because I never want lose my ability to think big and to make my life what I want it to be.

However, my "art" didn't turn out anything like I imagined, much like many of my ideas. It remains unfinished, as do other paintings I started.
Not at all what I had imagined

Turns out this is a fair representative of my life now. It is unfinished, but unfinished in the sense of openness for further alteration. Nothing is complete. I think I've always had it in my head that once I reach a certain place in my life, a certain goal, that my life will be complete. I will probably always think like that, however I now know that my desire to find completeness stems from my never-ending thirst for more. It's a balancing act to find peace in what is now and what could be in eventuality.

Back to the art aspect though. I think my form of art (idea art) comes through best in writing and photography. These forms I'm able to manipulate to my liking, so they are a better representative of me.

Perhaps my other art can be in food. Though I don't cook as much as I should, I enjoy making food pretty (taste is first, however). Last week I made a cheesecake. It turned out quite well :-)
Caramel Macchiato Cheesecake
I think art is different for everyone. Art is what inspires you, and I'm inspired by texture, nature, and words. All of these move and change without permission. They evolve and I am part of this evolution through observation and experience. Art for me is what makes me want to create my own.

See other blog carnival postings at:
Farin' on the West Winds of Erin
The Short Version
The Photo Maestro


  1. The paragraph that begins "Turns out this is a fair representative of my life now" totally describes how I feel. Good one! And that cheesecake looks SO DELICIOUS! I've never heard of a Caramel Macchiato Cheesecake. But I LOVE Caramel Macchiato and I LOVE cheesecake. I NEED to try this now.

  2. "Art is what inspires you...” Yes! That’s it right there.
    And as far as pretty food goes, I always do that when I’m building a salad at a buffet. Bf laughs at me for doing so, but I can’t help it. Maybe he’s just jealous. ;)

    Oh yeah...we need to get more cheesecake soon

  3. I disagree, Erin. We are ALL artists in our special way. Art is more than just the visual and aesthetic pleasures that we human limit ourselves. Art draws its energy from the passion one uses to create and express doesn't always have to be through painting or can come from cooking, writing, or simply talking! There truly is an "art" to everything from creating a new and exciting recipes to holding a boisterous discussion.

    You, my dear, ARE an Artist in several ways. :)
