There are days when I am very happy without knowing why. Days when I am happy to be alive and breathing, when my whole being seems to be one with the sunlight, the color, the odors, the luxuriant warmth of some perfect sunny day. I live for these days, and on these days I like to wander alone into strange and unfamiliar places.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sleep must really hate me

Because I haven't seen any decent side of her in about a week now. I'm not sure why I'm not sleeping well, but instead of going to sleep within minutes and staying that way (or possibly waking up briefly), I just fidget and twitch and think and sigh and think about sleep and wish for sleep and roll around.

image by farm 3

Maybe it's the season. It's been hotter lately (close to 90 today, ugh!), so perhaps my body is not adjusting to the temperature change. I've been thinking quite a bit (planning, I suppose) about what I want in life ( wise), and how I'm going to keep going after it (or take more drastic steps). Honestly though, I'm always thinking like that, so I don't know why this past week would keep me up like this.

When I do get to sleep, it's fitful and uncomfortable and not at all satisfying. I wake up in jolts and my heart is racing. Maybe I should cut back the caffeine, but I only drink a cup (or less) per day in the morning, so again, I don't think this is the issue.

I've never been an easy sleeper. I wake up frequently, but I don't tend to move when I sleep well, which means I wake up rather stiff and feeling like a frozen Gumby. I wake up if I'm thirsty, hungry, hot, cold, or dreaming (so it seems). I wake up when lights are turned on or off and when constant noises stop or start.

Even worse is that I generally need to be exhausted by the time I go to sleep (especially if I want to go to bed early) in order to fall asleep. It's very difficult to exhaust myself daily in order to get good sleep. I don't particularly enjoy being exhausted. My increased running mileage over the past few weeks has helped me sleep a better, more solid eight hours each night...until now.

Maybe I'm too tired. Is that possible? I don't feel like I should be too tired. I'm not doing that much. Regardless, sleep is now this fanciful thing that I chase and can't quite catch and hold. I still have other thoughts, but they all revolve back around to sleep. I think I'll make a nest on the floor tonight and see if a change in environment helps. Wish me luck!


  1. have you tried drinking celestial seasonings "sleepy time" tea? i honestly think it helps AND i think the power of suggestion is there. also, i try not to watch TV right before i go to bed...bad news bears.

    i wish you a DEEP, DEEP SLEEP!

  2. Thanks! Actually, I meant to add a part in here about the things I've tried (including Sleepy Time tea, relaxing smells, yoga, etc.) none of which have worked this week. The floor last night helped a bit though...I pray for more tonight!
