There are days when I am very happy without knowing why. Days when I am happy to be alive and breathing, when my whole being seems to be one with the sunlight, the color, the odors, the luxuriant warmth of some perfect sunny day. I live for these days, and on these days I like to wander alone into strange and unfamiliar places.

Monday, November 28, 2011


Yep. I'm addicted. To CrossFit and every WOD, or for those not CrossFit savvy, Workout of the Day.

Sometimes they (the WODs) make me feel strong. Sometimes they make me feel weak. But they always make me feel good (you know, after the feel like puking/dying bit). I guess that's why I keep going back for more.

I love it. I love hating it. I love the cuts and bruises, the aches and pains, the ripped hands, the weights crashing to the ground when I fail. I even love the frustration because I know that if I keep trying, I'll get it eventually. And I love that there is no end game. There are goals, but no pinnacle. You reach one goal and you just set another. That's my kind of lifestyle. I'm not the type of person to reach a goal and then rest on my laurels. I'm always looking for the next step. Sure, it feels amazing to reach a goal. I'll smile smugly for a little while, but then the next WOD kicks my butt, and I feel weak again and make a goal to work on something else.

My Birthday WOD

Halloween WOD
CrossFit brings out all kinds: lawyers, students, physical therapists, teachers, chefs, people in real estate, finance, military, and the veterinary fields. We are all ages, all stages, but all with the mindset of grinning through the pain and wanting more. It is never easy, but it is never not rewarding. I have never regretted going to a WOD, even on my worst days when I have to convince myself to get up and get moving.

CrossFit is one of the few places where I fit in.

Despite all of our differences, we have more in common than a typical gym group. I enjoy trying new things, but I generally hate looking weak or uncoordinated or downright ridiculous in front of other people, especially a big group. A CrossFit gym is not a place to go to feel comfortable or content or to get the warm and fuzzies or to relax. It's a place to work. CrossFit has made me not care about looking silly anymore. I get so focused on the task at hand that I forget and forgive myself for not being a whiz at new "trick" or new weight. It also helps that everyone is supportive of each other and is willing to share tips and advice. The CrossFitters I've gotten to know are great people.

I've given up other things for CrossFit because of the way it makes me feel. It has made my runs easier, bike rides smoother, rock-climbing more manageable, and given me more endurance snowboarding. It also makes me freakishly hungry and really in need of the right amount of sleep every night, so I'm learning to adapt and give up other things to make sure I am in good shape for the WODs.

Let me tell you though, despite many calling us crazy (at least they do me), it is all worth it.

Remind me that next time I am lying on the ground sweating buckets and gasping for air...

Thursday, November 24, 2011

So much to be thankful for

I love this time of year. It's always a whirlwind, and hectic, and stressful...and wonderful. This time of year is for family, for remembering how lucky we are, and for celebrating the joys in life. It's all too easy to forget during the daily grind how many reasons I have to be thankful, so I thought I'd create a list to make sure I don't forget.

This year I am thankful for...
1. My wonderful parents who love and support me no matter what I decide to do.
2. My old friends who stay in touch and stay close even though I am far.
3. The friends I've grown closer to in the past year.
4. The new friends I've made recently at my job, at the gym, and by chance.
5. Trying new things, even if I'm afraid.
6. Sunny, cold days.
7. People who encourage and support me.
8. Nights all to myself.
9. The Pumba, my darling bully with more stubbornness and personality than she can handle.
10. Loving my job.
11. Caramel Apple cupcakes!
12. Getting to know new people.
13. Pain.
14. Cooking blunders, because I know it will be better next time.
15. T. S. Eliot, a true mama's boy.
16. Kind smiles from strangers.
17. Having the ability to take risks.
18. Snow.
19. Getting to see a dear friend get married this year.
20. People trying to cheer me up when I'm down.
21. Knowing if I really needed help, I could get it.
22. Not needing help.
23. Sporadic gatherings. 
24. Being able to be there for clients and their pets.
25. My beautiful little goddaughter.
26. The days I get to hug someone.
27. Crossfit.
28. Random emails from friends that make me laugh.
29. The little moments of contentment I get.
30. Understanding that contentment is not my style (and accepting that).
31. Thinking I might be ready to trust someone again.
32. Politeness.
33. Feeling comfortable in not knowing the answers.
34. People who put forth effort, even when it's difficult or they don't want to.
35. Making tough decisions that I know are right.
36. Healthy debates that provoke deeper thinking.
37. Simple and unnecessary thank yous.
38. Remembering that a small thank you can go a long way.
39. Having options and choices.
40. New challenges.
41. Feeling the healthiest I have in years.
42. Having outlets for frustrations.
43. Realizing my frustrations are at least good ones to have.
44. Crushes that make me giddy/red-faced.
45. Living in the most beautiful state.
46. Those who protect others.
47. Feeling safe.
48. Failure, because it reminds me to keep pushing.
49. A warm bed after a long day.
50. Knowing I have so much more to be thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Hope you are all with loved ones and making each day count!