There are days when I am very happy without knowing why. Days when I am happy to be alive and breathing, when my whole being seems to be one with the sunlight, the color, the odors, the luxuriant warmth of some perfect sunny day. I live for these days, and on these days I like to wander alone into strange and unfamiliar places.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

BLOG CARNIVAL: Life Expectations: Art from a non-artist

I am not an artist. So when we decided to do this artistic blog, I was excited to create something despite the fact that I'm not hands on artistic. However, I ran into trouble as soon as I felt like I had to create something, hence the delay here.

I repeat, I am NOT an artist. At least not in the traditional sense of the word. I'd like to be, but I'm simply not. I am more an artist of idea, and that's fine with me even though ideas are much more difficult to express.

I had this wonderful thought to express what I want in life on a double canvass, with silver covered leaves and a combination of natural colors to write out Dwell in possibility...

I think this is better left to my upcoming tattoo instead:
Chrysanthemum embroidery and quote from Emily Dickinson

I wanted the natural colors to represent my aesthetic and the silver leaves to define an impossibility, but one that I want to always imagine could be, because I never want lose my ability to think big and to make my life what I want it to be.

However, my "art" didn't turn out anything like I imagined, much like many of my ideas. It remains unfinished, as do other paintings I started.
Not at all what I had imagined

Turns out this is a fair representative of my life now. It is unfinished, but unfinished in the sense of openness for further alteration. Nothing is complete. I think I've always had it in my head that once I reach a certain place in my life, a certain goal, that my life will be complete. I will probably always think like that, however I now know that my desire to find completeness stems from my never-ending thirst for more. It's a balancing act to find peace in what is now and what could be in eventuality.

Back to the art aspect though. I think my form of art (idea art) comes through best in writing and photography. These forms I'm able to manipulate to my liking, so they are a better representative of me.

Perhaps my other art can be in food. Though I don't cook as much as I should, I enjoy making food pretty (taste is first, however). Last week I made a cheesecake. It turned out quite well :-)
Caramel Macchiato Cheesecake
I think art is different for everyone. Art is what inspires you, and I'm inspired by texture, nature, and words. All of these move and change without permission. They evolve and I am part of this evolution through observation and experience. Art for me is what makes me want to create my own.

See other blog carnival postings at:
Farin' on the West Winds of Erin
The Short Version
The Photo Maestro

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

There will be art

I'm currently working on an art project to depict what I want in my life. Right now it looks foggy, much like what's going on right now. I can't paint the kind of happiness I want, but I can paint the variety of things I want out of life, or rather, the possibilities I want. So that's what I'm focusing on...of course I'm running into some trouble (as I do with art) where what I see in my brain does not match what comes out on the canvass. I thought about doing another form of art, but I enjoy the hands on experience. I almost wish I could weave a basket. I definitely do not want to knit. In any case, art will appear as soon as it can.