Even though several friends kindly invited me to their Thanksgiving celebration, I prefer to spend the time alone. It's my own ritual that I will be more than happy to break when I have the chance, but for now it suits me. Despite my reluctance to join other families for Thanksgiving, I must say there is nothing like feeling cozy and included in a family willing to offer a meal, a chair, and some conversation to a stranger simply because another family member asked. It's so easy to say yes around the holidays. I think that's why I love this season. It turns me from a 50/50 yes/no sayer to a 100% yes woman. Not to sound trite, but the season really does remind me how fortunate I am, and while I understand this the rest of the year and try to show it where I can, the Christmas season asks me for a little bit more, and I gladly give it.
It's also the time of year that I get to spoil my loved ones. No, I do not think an expensive gift equates more love. That's not it at all. It's more of how much thought has been put into said gift or gesture. I save all year to make sure I can spoil my parents on Christmas. The more they say they don't need anything, the more I search for something they would never ever get for themselves. Especially now that I only see them a few times a year, I feel the need to show them that even if I'm incommunicado for a while, they are on my mind. I adore spending hours researching online or meandering through crowded malls to find that perfect sentiment. Normally I'm not a shopping fanatic, but during Christmas time? Look out. I'm never done (even if I say I am). Not only do I get to seek out a treasure for a loved one, but I get to be super nice in the process! It's not an act, I swear. In general, I'm fairly patient and kind to those stuck working in retail. I know how hectic and crazy it can get, and I like making people smile by actually talking to them rather ignoring their existence. And during the Christmas season, I'm just glowing with joy. If it takes twelve times as long to get something, I just smile and calmly wait it out. Other people start to stamp their feet or check their watches, and I chat them up, watching their impatience turn to amusement. I figure, if I'm ridiculously nice to everyone in that mess of chaos, then one of two things will happen:
1. The people I come into contact with will lighten up and turn their grouchiness into smiles.
2. The people I come into contact with will hate the fact that someone else is cheery and it will make them even crankier.
So either way I win. Because if I can make someone's day just a smidge better, then I'm overjoyed. If not, then that person probably deserves to be cranky and that just fuels my wide grin. Perhaps there's a bit of schadenfreude there, but what can I say? It's not as if I'm going around be fakely nice to everyone I meet. I simply can't help it. Blame the crisp air or sweet crumbles of Christmas baked goods. Blame the overplayed Christmas music that I hum along to. Blame the blinding tinsel and wrapping bits that I turn into collage style wrapping paper. And guess what? Your scrooge-like attitude is my high wattage, so bring it on!
I am certain I'll be posting more about the Christmas season as it unfolds, but for now I will just say that above anything else, Christmas means family to me. It's a time of warmth, generosity, and taking pleasure in one another 's company without agenda. 'Tis the season y'all!
photo source: teachyourselfturkish